Looking for something to read with your morning coffee? All of these stories and poems are available to read online free!


"Spinning Sugar" at Crow & Cross Keys

"A Malleable and Uncertain Thing" at Gingerbread House

"On the Run" at Bandit Fiction

"Fox Song" at Corvid Queen

"A Midwinter Night's Dream" at Nightingale & Sparrow


"Marshland Songs" at Seaside Gothic

Some fairy tale poems at The Field Guide Poetry Magazine

Some vaguely creepy poems at Dark Winter Literary Magazine

Advice for writers:

Writing your way through the dark

Three books on writing all writers should read

The seven key elements of every good story

The power of place in fiction

Plot-driven vs. character-driven narratives

What actually is "magical realism"?

High fantasy vs low fantasy 

Increasing productivity as an author

Why prose writers should try their hand at poetry

How to conquer writers' block

How to bring a fresh twist to old tropes

Everything you ever wanted to know about theme

Outlining a book with the flashlight method

Outlining a book with the snowflake method

Mastering the three-act structure

Finding your story's dramatic question

Writing the tragic hero

Keeping your characters out of the fridge

How to write an author bio

Self publishing vs traditional publishing

Should writers pay submission fees?

My creative work can also be found in print in Mythic Magazine, Howl: New Irish Writing, Gramarye, Seaside Gothic, The Field Guide Poetry Magazine, Green Ink Poetry, Nightingale & Sparrow, Wyldblood Magazine, The Caterpillar, and probably some other places too.